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Fagerson TL, Babatunde OM, Safran MR (2016). Rehabilitation of the Hip. In Magee DJ, Zachazewski JE, Quillen WS, Manske RS (eds): Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (2nd Ed). Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.

Fagerson TL and Krebs DE (2016). Biofeedback in Neuromuscular Re-education and Gait Training. In Schwartz, M: Biofeedback: A Practitioner’s Guide (4th Ed). Guilford Publications, New York, NY.

Enseki K, Harris-Hayes M, White DM, Cibulka MT, Woehrle J, Fagerson TL, Clohisy JC (2014). Nonarthritic Hip Joint Pain: Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther., 44, 6, A1-A32.

Publications: Publications

Fagerson TL (2013). Postoperative Hip Rehabilitation Based on In Vivo Force and Pressure Data. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation,  29, 4, 268-271.

Cibulka MT, White DM, Whoerle J, Harris-Hayes M, Enseki K, Fagerson TL, Slover J, Godges JJ  (2009). Hip Pain & Mobility Deficits: Hip Osteoarthritis: Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther., 39, 4, A1-A25.

Fagerson TL (2008). Rehabilitation of the Hip. In Magee DJ, Zachazewski JE, Quillen WS (eds): Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.

Krebs DE and Fagerson TL (2003). Biofeedback in Neuromuscular Re-education and Gait Training. In Schwartz, M: Biofeedback: A Practitioner’s Guide (3rd Ed). Guilford Publications, New York, NY.

Publications: Publications

Fagerson TL  (2001). The Hip. Home Study Course for Orthopaedic Section, APTA, Alexandria, VA.

Fagerson TL and Krebs DE (2000). Biofeedback. In O’Sullivan SB and Schmitz TJ: Physical Rehabilitation: Assessment and Treatment, F.A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, PA, 4th ed.

Krebs DE, McGibbon CA, Fagerson TL (1999). Invited Commentary. Physical Therapy, 79,12, 1174-1175.

Fagerson TL (1998). Letter to the Editor, Physical Therapy, 78,4, 436-437.

Publications: Publications

Fagerson TL (1998).THE HIP HANDBOOK. Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, MA.

Fagerson TL (1997). Knee Examination Manual and Video. Genzyme Corporation, Cambridge, MA.

Guccione AA, Fagerson TL and Anderson JA (1996). Regaining Functional Independence in the Acute Care Setting following Hip Fracture. Physical Therapy, 76,8, 818-826.
NOTE: This paper received the APTA Jack Walker Award for Best Clinical Paper in Physical Therapy 1996.

Fagerson TL, Krebs DE, Harris BA and Mann RW (1995). Examining Shibboleths of Hip Rehabilitation Protocols Using In Vivo Contact Pressures from an Instrumented Hemiarthroplasty, Physiotherapy, 81,9, 533-540.

Feel free to get in touch with me if you’d like to discuss any of my published works.

Publications: Publications

Phone: (781) 263-9977

Fax: (781) 943-4228

148 Linden Street, Suite B8, Wellesley, MA 02482, USA

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