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New at SOS-PT!

Dry Needling is a powerful treatment technique that when used in conjunction with other physical therapy treatments, can help relieve pain and improve function quickly. 

Dr. Fagerson is trained in Dry Needling and he is excited to utilize this treatment and diagnostic option.

Dry Needling is not acupuncture; it is based on a modern scientific study of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems and is thus strictly based on Western medicine principles and research. It involves using sterile mono-filament needles that are inserted through the skin into muscles, tendons, ligaments, and/or close to nerves to immediately reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and increase mobility. This treatment technique provides an environment that enhances the body’s ability to heal which ultimately reduces pain.

Dry Needling can be used to help athletes overcome delayed onset muscle soreness. As athletes push the envelope to become bigger and faster or to reach new goals, recovery becomes an essential phase in the process. Often times dry needling can be used to speed up this recovery time and allow the athlete to return to training or to playing as soon as possible.

For most people there is little to no discomfort with the insertion of the needles. We strive to make the treatment virtually painless however, at times, you may experience a “twitch response” which often feels like a quick muscle cramp or ache. These sensations are normal and even desirable at times. Following this technique muscle soreness can be felt up to 24-48 hours. The application of heat or ice and drinking plenty of fluids usually reduces the soreness.

Dry Needling: About

Phone: (781) 263-9977

Fax: (781) 943-4228

148 Linden Street, Suite B8, Wellesley, MA 02482, USA

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